The next generation of leading singers and players, in concert

TENET Trailblazers presents the program’s inaugural concert to celebrate their year-long in person activities dedicated to performance and entrepreneurship. The program will feature solos by each participant and ensemble works including J.S. Bach’s “Der Geist hilft” in partnership with a stellar continuo team from the Juilliard415 Historical Performance program. Works featured include music by Henry Purcell, John Blow, Barbara Strozzi, Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Heinrich Schütz, Georg Melchior Hoffmann, and J.S. Bach.

More about TENET’s mentorship program.

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Ways to see this show

LIVE IN New York City
Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 3:30pm

St. Ignatius of Antioch
552 West End Avenue, NYC


Prime seats are available with a donation to support the project here:

General seats are free and available here:

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Available FROM April 20–May 20, 2025

Donate any amount to view the virtual concert:

TENET Trailblazers

Elizaveta Kozlova, Howell Petty, and Kayleigh Sprouse soprano
Ifeanyi Epum and Jeannette Lee alto
Opal Clyburn-Miller and Kev Schneider tenor
Matthew Marinelli and Ben Ross bass

Juilliard415 Continuo

Nate Huvard and Dani Zanuttini-Frank theorbo
Amanda Kengor harp
Maya Ridenour cello
William Rehwinkel organ and harpsichord

TENET Coaches and Mentors

Danielle Buonaiuto
Jolle Greenleaf
Jeffrey Grossman
Charles Weaver