Woody, Jonathan JONATHAN WOODYBass-baritone Read More Motets of J.S. Bach, josquinGuest UserMarch 6, 2022UK, Angels, Caramoor, Mass, Benefit, confessions
Greenleaf, Jolle JOLLE GREENLEAFSoprano Read More Polifonía de las Américas, Motets of J.S. Bach, Sound the Trumpet, TENEbrae: Lassus’ Lagrime di San Pietro, Bach's Magnificat and Easter Oratorio, Rejoice Rejoice!Beth BeauchampFebruary 3, 2022UK, Charpentier, Angels, Fortune, Wisdom, Caramoor, Forces, Stabat, Mythology, Sisters, Mass, Benefit, exultemus, triomphi, ariadne, moon, confessions, rosettes
Sutherland, Elisa ELISA SUTHERLANDMezzo-soprano Read More Polifonía de las Américas, TENEbrae: Lassus’ Lagrime di San Pietro, Rejoice Rejoice!, Bach's Magnificat and Easter OratorioElisa SutherlandOctober 18, 2021UK, Charpentier, Angels, Fortune, Wisdom, Mythology, Mass, Benefit, exultemus, triomphi, ariadne, confessions, rosettes