Dubenion-Smith, Kristen

Kristen Dubenion-Smith

Recognized for her “velvety legato and embracing warmth of sound” (Washington Classical Review) and “lyric-mezzo of uncommon beauty” (The Washington Post, Christmas) mezzo-soprano Kristen Dubenion-Smith enjoys an active performing career in oratorio and sacred vocal chamber music, specializing in music of the medieval, renaissance and baroque eras. Ms. Dubenion-Smith performs works by Bach regularly with the Washington Bach Consort, the Washington National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra, The Clarion Choir, and the Dryden Ensemble as well as being a past American Bach Soloists Academy participant and Virginia Best Adams Fellow at the Carmel Bach Festival. In the spring of 2023, she joined The English Concert and The Clarion Choir for an International tour (UK, Spain, L.A., Berkeley) of Handel’s Solomon with The English Concert which ended at Carnegie Hall in New York City. She also sings on the 2021 Grammy winning recording of The Prison by Ethel Smyth with The Experiential Choir and Orchestra. She can be heard on commercial recordings with The Folger Consort, Apollo’s Fire, Cathedra, and Via Veritate. Originally from Michigan, Ms. Dubenion-Smith attended Alma College (Bachelor of Music) before moving to Maryland to complete her studies at The Peabody Conservatory of Music (Master of Music) in Baltimore.

Beth MirahverStabat