Joelle Monroe

Joelle Monroe

Joelle Monroe has been a baroque trumpeter and bugler with The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps since 2003. From 2011-2019 Joelle was the founder and principal trumpeter of The United States Army Historical Trumpets, a specialized baroque trumpet ensemble within the Corps and the only period instrument ensemble in the U.S. military. Focusing on the intersection of military, civic, and art music of the 17th - 18th centuries, the ensemble performed and educated across the country, including venues such as The White House, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Department of State. After 20 years of service, Joelle retired from the Army in December of 2023. She continues being an active freelance baroque trumpeter and educator across the country. She performs period music with many of the country’s leading early music ensembles, including the Washington National Cathedral baroque ensemble, The Washington Bach Consort, The Folger Consort, Tempesta Di Mare, Opera Lafayette, and Apollo’s Fire. In 2020 she appeared on the CD recording Altissima. Joelle resides in Falls Church, VA with her husband and 3 children.

Beth MirahverMass